Probe the Globe

This webpage is dedicated to my travels around the world and thoughts that accompany them. A Disclaimer: I hate the word 'blog'. For the past few years, hearing everyone and their mothers ramble on about 'blog's and 'blogging' and [insert blog-related buzz word here] has made me want to rub my ears on a cheese-grater. But in the end, this is much easier than sending out group emails and pictures, and everyone can check for updates without me having to fill up their inboxes.

Location: Kinokawa-shi, Wakayama-ken, Japan

If you dont know about me already, none of this should interest you anyways.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Ocean's Eleven Chinese Acrobats

Anyone who has ever seen Ocean’s Eleven knows about the Chinese Acrobats. Ever since deciding to go buy tickets to a show, I have had visions of the scene where George Clooney and Brad Pitt go to a performance to scout out a talent for their big heist. The acrobat runs up a pole with hands and feet and then does a spring move off the pole, a couple flips and then lands perfectly on his feet. Of course, he makes it into the eleven.

The real Chinese Acrobats are just as impressive. To describe the show in detail would be impossible. Take a look at the pictures and be assured that the Ocean’s Eleven routine made its appearance as the finale.


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