Probe the Globe

This webpage is dedicated to my travels around the world and thoughts that accompany them. A Disclaimer: I hate the word 'blog'. For the past few years, hearing everyone and their mothers ramble on about 'blog's and 'blogging' and [insert blog-related buzz word here] has made me want to rub my ears on a cheese-grater. But in the end, this is much easier than sending out group emails and pictures, and everyone can check for updates without me having to fill up their inboxes.

Location: Kinokawa-shi, Wakayama-ken, Japan

If you dont know about me already, none of this should interest you anyways.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It has begun

China, I have arrived. Actually, I've been here in the People's Republic now for almost a week, but amidst all the excitement of Chinese New Year and keeping myself busy exploring Beijing, I've yet to write anything about my trip.

The day after I arrived, I was met by my fully-bearded partner in crime, Matt “Soup” Huffman, who has been told by the Chinese that he bares more resemblance to an Arab than an American (and, apparently with my new buzzed hair and 5 o'clock shadow, I look German). We've since partaken in all the madness of Chinese New Year in addition to taking in the temples, the parks, the Forbidden City, and, of course, the Great Wall of China. We'll be in Beijing for another few days before pushing off to our next destination (Guilin; in southern China). I'm going to take a day before we head down there to catch up on writing and pictures, so keep an eye out for some new posts before then.


Blogger Greg Androney said...

What!! Matt "Soup" Huffman looks like an Arab!! I dont believe this, so what if his skin tone is dark and his beard could protect him from the harsh sandstorms of the Middle East...and his.. OF COURSE HE LOOKS LIKE AN ARAB THAT IS WHY WE CALL HIM GIHAD!!!

God bless and good journey.

9:33 AM  

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