Probe the Globe

This webpage is dedicated to my travels around the world and thoughts that accompany them. A Disclaimer: I hate the word 'blog'. For the past few years, hearing everyone and their mothers ramble on about 'blog's and 'blogging' and [insert blog-related buzz word here] has made me want to rub my ears on a cheese-grater. But in the end, this is much easier than sending out group emails and pictures, and everyone can check for updates without me having to fill up their inboxes.

Location: Kinokawa-shi, Wakayama-ken, Japan

If you dont know about me already, none of this should interest you anyways.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Philippines: Pints with Pints

What did you do for Saint Patrick’s Day this year? Oh, me? I spent mine with Leprechauns.

Well, maybe that depends on how you define ‘Leprechaun.’ If you definite it as Merriam-Webster does, as “a mischievous elf of Irish folklore usually believed to reveal the hiding place of treasure if caught,” then my account is slightly inaccurate. If you replace ‘elf’ with ‘Hobbit’, ‘Irish’ with ‘(J.R.R.) Tolkienian’, and ‘reveal the hiding place of treasure if caught’ with ‘hold the key to saving Middle Earth’, the definition now becomes “a mischievous Hobbit of Tolkienian folklore usually believed to hold the key to saving Middle Earth,” and my account can be justified.

The Hobbit House: Pints Served by Pint-Sized Filipinos since 1985. Literally, all the staff are midgets (or ‘little people’, or whatever is P.C. these days). You’re waved down in streets outside by midget doormen, you’re taken to your table by midget hosts, your order is taken by midget waiters, and midget barmen pour your pints, all in a bar based on a Shire Alehouse. Bands play on a stage in front of a giant Hobbit mural. Dirty plates and glasses seemingly disappear as a tiny pairs of hands sweep above the table-tops.

What more perfect day to go to such a pub than Saint Patty’s Day? The Shire turned into an Irish pub for the weekend. Our green pints of Guinness were delivered by midgets in all green and leprechaun hats.

Just to make things clear, I’m the only one sitting down in the above picture.


Blogger Callum said...

Dude, you spoke the truth - that is AMAZING - possibly the most exploitative yet brilliant business practice I've ever seen...

4:18 AM  

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